Mr. and Mrs. Whipple

Mr. and Mrs. Whipple

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Life is so good. I'm such a lucky girl. I have an amazing family and wonderful friends. What more can a girl ask for?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

As most of my friends and family know, I'm definitely the jealous type. And at this very moment I'm feeling a little jealous.... my parents and Clancy are all on Trek right now, and I wish I could be there too. If they called me and said that they needed me to be there I would drop everything and get my little butt in my car and drive as fast as I could to get to the Bunkerville Mountains where they are having their trek this year. I don't know why they would need me but I would go. Who knows maybe they might need someone to sing all of the kids to sleep. haha I could do that!

My parents were called to be in charge of Trek 4 years ago and I guess the Lord thought that they either didn't do a good enough job last time OR they did such an amazing job that they were called to be in charge again this year. (They didn't let me go last time either. I think that's just rude.) I'm guessing the amazing job one because everyone had such good stories to tell when they came home. I loved listening to all of their stories. I few of my aunts and uncles were Ma and Pas and so the Sunday after Trek at Sunday dinner they all just sat around and told stories about their families and I loved it. I hope I'm able to go home this weekend for Father's Day and to listen to their stories again. I know that the reason they have such awesome stories is because those that were called to help put this amazing experience together for the youth were and are inspired. Heavenly Father knows exactly what those kids need to learn and I believe that they learn a lot of life lessons on Trek that will help them throughout their lives.I feel sad for those kids that refused to go because they are missing out on such a good experience.

Monday, June 4, 2012

"These are a few of my favorite things"....
My Family

My Friends

Singing this song. I sang this song in my Junior Recital and I just can't get over how much I love it.