Mr. and Mrs. Whipple

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
September 11
September 11, 2001. I remember that day so vividly as does everyone else, I'm sure. I found out that the first tower had been hit while I was on the bus going to school. I was in seventh grade and my first class was Biology with Mrs. Matthews. On the bus, my friend, Vanessa had informed me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I had no idea what the World Trade Center was. I was so confused. Then once we arrived at school we all went to class like normal, except it wasn't a normal day at all. The feeling in the classroom and around the entire school was so somber and almost reverent. Nobody was talking about who so-and-so liked or if they had done their homework that night. We all knew that something serious was happening. We just didn't know what exactly. Instead of learning about biology that day, Mrs. Matthews let us all watch the news. From what I can remember, about 5 or 10 minutes after Mrs. Matthews turned on the TV we watched the second tower go down. I remember my teacher yelling at a news reporter on the screen telling him to run because the debris and ashes were flying towards him. At that moment, I knew. I knew that this was a really bad thing and I was terrified. I cried. I was scared for those poor people in the towers and planes. My heart was aching for the families of those who had been killed. Then I realized that there were firemen and police men trying to help those innocent people and I realized that they were in serious danger as well. This really struck a chord for me. My dad is a fireman, and I couldn't help but think that, that could have been him if something like this happened in Las Vegas. I am so grateful that he didn't have to do anything like that. I don't know what I would do without my dad. For the rest of the day all we did was watch the news in class. I'm so grateful that my teachers thought it important for us to watch and learn that day. I will never forget that day. Today, I remember those that have lost their lives for their country. I am so grateful for them. They are all true heroes.
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