So much has happened since I last posted. About 3 weeks after I posted last we found out that we were pregnant again! This pregnancy has been so great! I don't really have anything to compare it to other than the 11 weeks I was pregnant before but from what I've heard from other people, I've had it pretty easy. And for that I am grateful!!
Justin and I have been so blessed these last 8-ish months. We have so many generous and caring people in our lives! We received so many wonderful gifts and warm wishes at my baby shower in Bunkerville! And my sisters and Mom put so much time into making it perfect and it really was! We have the best family and friends anyone could as for! I feel like every time we go home someone shows up at either my parents' house or Justin's mom's house with a gift for us! We are so blessed! We were also both thrown baby showers by our co-workers! It was so sweet and they really didn't have to do that for us!
So, I've always known that pregnancy makes you all nest-y and crazy but I never thought that I would be that kind of person. I do NOT consider myself a decorator by any means. Most of the stuff on the walls in our house were put up by Justin because he has such a better eye for that kind of stuff than I do. So he decorates the house and I pretty much just hold stuff for him and try to look pretty doing it. But before we found out the sex of our baby we decided that if it was a boy Justin would decorate the nursery and if it was a girl that I would decorate. Well, we're having a girl! So I got to decorate! I was actually pretty nervous about it because like I said, I feel super insecure in my decorating abilities, so I took to Pinterest. After looking at nurseries for what seemed like FOREVER I decided that I wanted her room to be pink and grey with little elephant accents. Justin really wanted the nursery to have an African theme because her name is African. So I thought that the elephants were a nice little touch. And it turns out that elephants are really in right now. I had no idea. So slowly but surely I started gathering things here and there for the nursery. A lot of the pictures and things I printed off of Pinterest and all of the picture frames were given to us. So I was able to keep the budget pretty low, which made Justin happy as well. :) Here are a few pictures to give you a little bit of an idea of what her room looks like. (These pictures were taken on my phone and I am also nothing close to a photographer so you get what you get. haha)

I'm really happy with the way her room is turning out! I'm pretty sure I'm done but I thought that the last time I went to Target and then left with all sorts of things for her room. haha We are just so excited for her to get here next month! I just pray that I can get through this last month without going too crazy. But we sure are blessed!!
As I was reading this, I realized I'm not sure if I ever told you how cute the nursery looks! You did a great job! Love you all!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Love you too!!