Active Labor:
By the time we got to the hospital (it takes about 45 minutes to get to
the hospital from our house) I was soaked. Justin ran in to get me a wheel
chair because at this point my contractions were now 5 minutes apart and were
starting to get a bit more intense. So he wheeled me up to the birthing center
and I was admitted. They didn't have any empty rooms when we got there so they
put us in an over flow room. I was roomed with another girl who was scheduled
to have a C-Section at noon but the genius didn't show up until noon and had
eaten lunch before she came. (You are supposed to show up 2 hours before your
scheduled c-section and not eat anything. She wasn't the smartest cookie in the
cookie jar.) Since she ate before she came she wasn't able to have her C-Section
until 5:00 because she had to digest her lunch. So, they kept us in that fun
little room until about 3:00 pm. We had to wait for a room to open up for me.
Finally we were moved to an actual room and my doctor examined me and I was
only dilated to a one. My contractions started to come even faster and
I wanted to try to go as long as I could with out any pain meds. After
about an
hour I was ready for some medication. I asked for the epidural but my
told me I couldn't have it yet because I wasn't dilated enough. About
hour passed and I was wanting the epidural again the nurse examined me
and I was at a 3. She told me I couldn't have the epidural until I was
at least
dilated to a 4 but she offered me some IV meds. I graciously accepted
the IV
meds. At this point, I didn't care what they gave me just as long as I
have something to make the pain subside. So she gave me the meds and
they made
me feel SO WEIRD. I couldn't even keep my eyes open. It was such a
feeling but I was so grateful to get something to help with the pain.
Unfortunately the IV meds only last for an hour before they start to
wear off. So by the time the hour was
over my contractions were super close together and quite painful! I was
my contractions come and go on the little paper that it prints out on
and they
were completely off the charts at the peak of the contraction. I was
So I asked Justin to go find a nurse and ask if I could please get the
epidural now.
He came back with a nurse but she said that I couldn't have an epidural
because the anesthesiologist was in doing a C-Section. So she gave me
another round of the IV meds and left. About 45 minutes went by and the
IV meds started to wear off again. I asked Justin to go find the nurse
again. She came back in and said that the anesthesiologist was still in the C-Section and she gave me one last round of IV meds. She informed me that the more I was given the IV meds the faster they would wear off. (Uh, yeah. Figured that one out on my own. Thanks.) But I didn't care. I couldn't sit there without something to ease the pain. After she gave me the meds she left again. This time they only lasted about a half hour. By the time they wore off this time I was, well, less than amused. I wanted to beat that girl that came in late for her C-Section! At one point I looked up at Justin, who was stroking my hair trying to keep me calm, and said, "I hate that stupid Mexican girl! Why did she not come when she was supposed to!?!" I'm not sure how Justin kept a straight face for that. But he did and I was grateful. It probably would have made me even more mad if he'd laughed at me at that point.

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