Mr. and Mrs. Whipple

Mr. and Mrs. Whipple

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July in a nutshell

I knew I would be bad at this blogging thing. Oh well. So July was a crazy month. I worked a lot and my apartment was broken into and just life in general. I'll start with work...So, the Utah Shakespeare Festival is a vacation spot for most of our patrons and so they like to come during the holidays so the Fourth of July and Pioneer Day were both pretty busy and crazy. And of course Les Miserables was playing on the Fourth so that made that day even more crazy. (EVERY performance of Les Miserables has been sold out.) Luckily, work has calmed down quite a bit since then. Well... other than all of the rain the last few days. Ha But I don't have to deal with that.

Alright, now onto the break in. So a few weeks ago I woke up because I had to use the bathroom and when I walked out of my bedroom I noticed that my front door was open. My just woken up brain didn't really register that this was a bad thing until I walked over to close it and noticed my roommate's wallet on the floor with all of her credit cards scattered all over the floor. I then went into her bedroom and woke her up to ask her if she had been randomly going through her credit cards in the middle of the night. (ha I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to freak out too early.) She, of course, told me that she hadn't. So, now I'm freaking out on the inside. My heart is beating like crazy and my mind is going like a mile a minute. We then both went out into our living room area where her wallet was and we found her purse on the couch. She then looked through her purse to see if anything was missing and sure enough, her ipod and ipod adapter were both missing. At this point I realized that some of my things might be missing. So I went looking for my purse. I knew that I had put it in my room because before I went to sleep the night before I put chapstick on my lips and I keep my chapstick in my purse so I won't lose it. I went into my room and couldn't find my purse anywhere. So, then I called my mom because I had one of her credit cards in my wallet. While on the phone with my mom she tells me that I need to call the police. So I tell my roommate to call the police. My dear roommate has this fear of talking to people on the phone and so she just sat and stared at her phone for a few minutes until I became impatient and called the police. I told the police what happened and they sent a cop to our house. After talking to the cop and giving him all of our information and I then called the music store because I was supposed to teach voice lessons that morning but there was no way on earth that I was going to be able to teach little kids how to sing when I was on the verge of crying. So, my roommate and I then decide that we need to go tell Company Management and we had been broken into and see what they could do to help us out and on our way I look over and see my purse lying on the ground with all of it's contents scattered all around. I checked my wallet to see if anything was missing and those little butts took my $2.00! Seriously!? $2.00? I think they learned their lesson. That my place is not the place to rob if you are looking for big money. I ain't got it.

Okay, I have one more story for you. This one happened today. So, as I said before I teach voice lessons at the music store here in Cedar and I had a lesson today at 12:30. So, I decided to jump in the shower at about 11:00 to give myself enough time to get ready. I get in the shower and my loofa is on the floor of my bath tub so I picked it up and put it back where it goes and as I do this I notice a big ol' spider just a chillin. As you all know, I don't do spiders! We aren't friends. Not even a little bit. So, of course, I screamed. I guess my scream scared it because then it started crawling and fell off the of the loofa and started heading my way. So now I'm screaming, "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!" I grab my towel and run out of the bathroom. My roommate and sister are sitting at the kitchen table just laughing at me. They ask me what was wrong and I told them and they start laughing even harder. Then to make matters worse my gay neighbor's boyfriend walks by and I'm standing right in front of our wide open door. Such a good way to start out the day. But all is well. The spider didn't get me and it went down the drain and everything. But I still didn't shower in my shower just in case it decides to make a second appearance.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha. I'm gonna have to check your blog more often, Shaye. I loved your spider story. As for the break-in...that must've sucked so bad. I'm sorry. :( But this was my favorite line of the story: "My dear roommate has this fear of talking to people on the phone and so she just sat and stared at her phone for a few minutes until I became impatient and called the police."

    Love you! :) See you soon!
